Saturday, January 26, 2008

Scatterday Challenge - Letter N

This week's Scatterday Challenge is brought to you by the Letter N and the categories Orange, Something South American and Things That Are Good for You, But You Don't Like.

For Orange, I give you a Nic-Nak that DMom sent from her trip to Spain.

For Something South American, I give you the Naked Dancing Llama. Check it out ... I didn't believe it either.

And, finally, for Things That Are Good for You, But You Don't Like, I give you Nurofen. I hate to take tablets and the old brain tumour has to be pretty bad to warrant tablets.

Next week's Scatterday Challenge is brought to you by the Letter Z. An no categories. How hard can that be?


Michelle Watters said...

Are you sure it isn't a knick-knack?

Lindi said...

Hahahahaha! Nice one. Naked Dancing Llama indeed...*shakes head laughing*