Saturday, October 13, 2007

Scatterday Challenge - F

This week's Scatterday Challenge is brought to you by the letter F - Cold Things, Signs and The Elements. And I think that you will agree that, even thought this is a bit late, it is very Maggie-esque.

For Cold Things, I give you Fair Weather Friends, politicians who only care about working parents or the environment or the most vulnerable in our society when they are standing for election, whether it has been called or not, then quite happily turn their backs on all of us once they have another term ahead of them.

For Signs, I give you Full, a sign that I can go anywhere I want but is also a sign that I won't have any money to spend once I get there.

And, as my finale (in keeping with the F theme), we have The Elements. An element is a pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances. It is also the situation in which you are happiest and most effective, 'in your element'. So, in keeping with both definitions, I give you Fudge in a number of its isotopes.


Dy said...

LOL, Maggie you are the master of thinking outside the square! Your rationale behind 'Element' is exquisite. :-)

sionwyn said...

hee very clever.

I'd come up with a few reasons Howard might have appeared under F in the few seconds it took to get to your explanation ...

MG Quilts said...

Sionwyn, that was the challenge part ... coming up with an 'F' word that could be published on a family blog.

Michelle Watters said...

Ah Margarita, you may well be the Queen of thinking outside the square - I do love it. And of course you chose the best letter F!

Lindi said...

1st prize, Maggie! LOL